History of Upper Scioto Valley Ambulance District

Established in 1974

The History of the Upper Scioto Valley Ambulance District Board

Upper Scioto Valley Ambulance District was first formed back in August of 1974. Before the creation of the Ambulance District all calls both emergent and non-emergent were handled by the local funeral homes. 

The first session of the Ambulance District Board was held at the then called the Alger Township House. Board members at that time included Harlan Hall to represent Marion Township, Mayor Gene Fry to represent McGuffey, and Mayor Alan Cole to represent Alger, with Alan Cole as the chairman. The district comprised of Marion Township, Alger and McGuffey. At this time Sharon Hubbell and Brad Gullet were made coordinators of the district. On September 24, 1974 it was determined that Roundhead Township would join the Ambulance District and have Paul Fry be their representative on the board. Later in October of 1974 Mac Donald Township joined the district with State Route 67 being the boundary line for their township. Melvin Boecher would be the Mac Donald Township representative. In December of 1974 it was determined to refer to the vehicles as 06 for Alger, 06A for McGuffey and 06B for Roundhead. In February of 1975 the ambulance district board decided to make one coordinator for each town that the ambulances would be housed in. Karl Engelhardt for Alger, Bud Gullet for McGuffey, and Paul Fry for Roundhead.

In May of 1975 the USV Ambulance District set up its first ever mutual aid agreement with Ada Liberty EMS. 

In November of 1975 Gene Fry resigned from the ambulance district board leaving a vacant seat for the McGuffey representative. Paul Spradlin later filled the vacant seat for the McGuffey representative on the board. In October of 1976 Alan Cole resigned from his position on the board and later returned to his position. In December of 1976 Harlan Hall resigned from his position on the board and Bradley Campbell filled the Marion Township seat on the board. In March of 1978 Berneice Collingsworth became the representative for the Village of Alger, replacing Alan Cole. In November of 1977 Dale Bushong was welcomed as the new representative for Mac Donald Township replacing Melvin Boecher. In December of 1977 Carl Shadley became the new representative for Marion Township, replacing Bradley Campbell. In February of 1979 Harlan Hall became the new representative for Marion Township. In 1984 Paul Spencer became the new board representative for Roundhead Township. In March 1984 Wilma Spradlin became the Village of McGuffey's board representative on the ambulance district board. In August of 1984 Bea Collingsworth resigned from the board turning her position over to Duane Shaffer. In May of 1985 McGuffey no longer had a board representative. In June of 1985 McGuffey no longer had enough members to operate their ambulance resulting in Alger and Roundhead to cover the McGuffey area. The board went to the villagers to plead for help in McGuffey. In February 1986 Vivian Spradlin became the appointed representative for McGuffey. In 1986 Vivian Spradlin would serve as the McGuffey representative, Gary Hall would serve as the Marion Township representative, Paul Spencer would serve as the Roundhead Township representative, Duane Shaffer McDonald Township, and Harlow Rowe the Village of Alger representative. The 1987 Board members were Vivian Spradlin, McGuffey, Gary Hall, Marion Township, Paul Spencer, Roundhead Township, and Duane Shaffer, McDonald Township. The only change for the board going in to 1988 was Rex Canfield replaced Duane Shaffer for McDonald Township. The board seats in 2013 were filled by Gary Harpster, Roundhead Township, Rex Canfield, McDonald Township, Robert Underwood, Marion Township, Joyce Harris, Village of Alger. In 2014 Kevin Skidmore filled the McDonald Township seat, Paul Osborne filled the Marion Township seat and Rick Royer filled the Roundhead Township seat. In the year of 2014 James Summa filled the Village of Alger seat replacing Joyce Harris. In 2019 Grant Mizek filled the Roundhead Township seat replacing Rick Royer. In 2021 McGuffey regained a seat on the board bringing David Humphreys to fill the seat that had been vacant for many years, Shane Hites filled the McDonald Township seat replacing Kevin Skidmore. In 2022 Richard Onions filled to Village of Alger seat on the board replacing James Summa. In 2023 Crosby Manchester replaced Grant Mizek filling the Roundhead Township seat. In January of 2024 David Humphreys stepped down as the Village of McGuffey representative on the board and Councilman Brandon Goodin became the Village of McGuffey representative on the board. Currently the board seats are held by Paul Osborne Marion Township, Richard Onions Village of Alger, Brandon Goodin Village of McGuffey, Crosby Manchester Roundhead Township and Shane Hites McDonald Township.

Upper Scioto Valley Ambulance District Clerk

Glenda Hunsicker was the first clerk for the joint ambulance district in 1974. On March 26, 1975 Charrilyn Benjamin became the clerk for the ambulance board. July 11, 1990 Charrilyn resigned from the Ambulance District Clerk position due to new job opportunities. Bonnie Cole was brought in as a pro-term clerk until the new clerk could be appointed. In October 1990 Rachel Shaw was appointed the clerk for the ambulance board. Brenda Roy would then take over after Rachel Shaw as the ambulance board clerk. In March of 2013 Joyce Campbell became the clerk for the ambulance board. In May of 2023 Joyce decided to step down from her position and retire as the clerk, at that time Darci Motter was hired as the clerk for the board. Joyce returned to the clerk position at the end of November 2023 after Darci stepped down from the position due to other opportunities. August 2024, Travis Waller was hired on as the new board clerk to replace Joyce in her retirement.

Roundhead Station

In 1974 Paul Fry became the coordinator for Roundhead. In March of 1976 Paul resigned from his position as coordinator and Philip Fry became the new coordinator. 

In January 1978 Roundhead received a new ambulance, a B-300 Dodge Maxi-van with 360 cubic inch, V-8 engine. June 29, 1983 Ed Herring and Rosie Overs became the new Co-Coordinators for the Roundhead station. In 1984 Jan and Loren Britt become Co-Coordinators for the Roundhead station. In January 1987 Sharon Montgomery was elected as the coordinator for Roundhead. In January of 1989 Martha Nickell became the new coordinator for the Roundhead station. In January of 1991 Twila Zapp became the coordinator for Roundhead. 

In April of 1992 the Volunteer Fireman Resource Organization donated a 1983 Wheelcoach ambulance to the Roundhead station to replace their 14 year old ambulance. 

In January of 1993 Tom Iiams became the coordinator for Roundhead. Tom Iiams later resigned as coordinator and Twila Zapp received the position. In November of 1993 Martha Nickell became the acting coordinator for the Roundhead station.  In June of 1998 Teresa Luhta became the coordinator for the Roundhead station. In January of 1999 Twila Zapp was re-elected as the coordinator for the Roundhead station. In January of 2000 Hannah Leveck was elected as the new coordinator for the Roundhead station. In January of 2003 Twila Zapp was re-elected as the coordinator for the Roundhead station. Later the title changed from coordinator to Chief. 

In 2011 the Roundhead station purchased a 2011 Ford E-450 ambulance chassis with a 2002 box.

In 2020 the Roundhead station was down to two certified providers and due to health reasons the last two certified providers were struggling to keep the area covered so, in 2021 it was agreed to merge the entire district into one combining the manpower/womanpower as well as the operations. While it wasn't an easy decision it was a decision agreed upon by all members at both the Alger station and the Roundhead station. 

Alger Station

The first coordinator for the Alger station was Karl Engelhardt. In April of 1975 Karl resigned from his coordinators position and Gerald McDaniel was voted as the new coordinator for the Alger station. In November of 1977 Jane Lawrence became the new coordinator for Alger. In April of 1978 Jane Lawrence resigned from her position as the coordinator. In May of 1978 Jerry Dicus became the new coordinator for Alger. In April 1979 Shirley Phillips and Jerry Dicus shared the role as coordinator for Alger. In November 1979 Earnie England replaced Shirley Phillips as the coordinator for Alger. 

After a motor vehicle accident in October 1979 the USV ambulance board agreed to purchase a 1980 van-type ambulance for the Alger station for $20,037. 

In March of 1980 Jerry Dicus was appointed the coordinator for Alger. In March 1981, Kurt Engelhardt became the new coordinator for Alger. In 1984 Jerry Dicus once again became the coordinator of the Alger station. With the new year coming on a new coordinator was elected, in 1985 Phyllis Coburn was elected as the coordinator for the Alger station. On May 25, 1987, the Alger ambulance was involved in an MVA while heading to the hospital with a patient, resulting in 2 crew members being transported to Lima Memorial Hospital with minor injuries. The accident occurred at the intersection of State Route 235 and County Road 80. It was raining heavily that evening of the accident. Thankfully Ada EMS came in to transport the patient and 2 of the EMS providers. Ada kindly covered the area until Alger was able to get the back up unit (McGuffey's unit that was no longer being used) out of storage and up to code. November 1987 Alger's unit was repaired and put back into service. In January of 1991 Phyllis Coburn was elected the coordinator for the Alger station. 

In April of 1993 Alger received a new ambulance. 

In 1993 Doug LaRue was elected as the coordinator for the Alger station. Later the title changed from coordinator to Chief. 

In 2011 the Alger station purchased a 2011 Ford E-450 ambulance chassis with a 2002 box. In 2016 the Alger station purchased a used 2007 Ford E-450 from BMRT Ambulance District to replace the old McGuffey Unit that was now operating at the Alger station.

McGuffey Station

The first coordinator for the McGuffey station was Bud Gullet. In October of 1976 Wayne Lowery became the new coordinator for McGuffey. December 7, 1976 Wayne Lowery passed away after being struck while transporting a patient to Hardin Memorial Hospital. Wayne was a member of McGuffey village council, coordinator and member of the McGuffey squad, a volunteer fireman with McGuffey Fire and a veteran of the Vietnam War. Wayne left behind a wife and 2 children. Bud Gullet resumed as the coordinator for McGuffey. Ed Hall became the new coordinator for McGuffey in December of 1977. 

In January 1978 McGuffey received a new ambulance, a B-300 Dodge Maxivan with 360 cubic inch V-8 engine. 

In April 1980 Ed Hall resigned as the coordinator and Gary Shadley had been selected to be the new coordinator for McGuffey. In April 1981 Janet Collins replaced Gary Shadley as the coordinator. January 1983 Janet Collins resigned as coordinator and Jeff Conley took the position. In late 1984 Carol Meilshron became the coordinator for McGuffey. 1985-1991 McGuffey was without an ambulance. The calls for the area were covered by both the Alger and the Roundhead ambulances. In May of 1991 McGuffey once again opened their doors after obtaining 6 EMS providers, Vivian Spradlin was elected the coordinator for the McGuffey station. In September of 1992 McGuffey combined with Alger due to decreased number in EMS providers for the McGuffey station, Phyllis Coburn became the coordinator of both stations and the crew operated as one out of the Alger station. Due to the lack of members in July of 1993 it was discussed to close down the McGuffey station. In 2010 McGuffey once again became without an ambulance due to having no certified members. From 2010-2021 McGuffey was covered by the Alger station. 

District Wide

In 2021 the entire district became one meaning there was no longer Alger EMS, Roundhead EMS or McGuffey EMS instead the name changed to Upper Scioto Valley Ambulance District and has primarily been ran out of the Alger station. Along with the merger came the central Chief over the district in June of 2021 Doug LaRue became the central Chief. In June of 2022 Doug LaRue retired from his position as Central Chief and Aunee Helton was elected as the new Chief of the district.

Due to terribly low numbers for volunteer EMS providers the board began to pay members in August of 1989 a small amount for their time. USV EMS providers were required to sign a waiver, be active certified, transport the patient and be one of 4 providers in order to receive the $10 reimbursement. 

Day time coverage was almost non-existent due to most everyone working full time during the day so, February 11, 2019 the ambulance district moved forward and hired two full time employees to sit at the station Monday-Friday 7:00AM-3:30PM to ensure 911 calls in the area were being covered. The first full time employees were Aunee Helton and Jodi Gibson. June 20, 2021 Jodi resigned from her position as a full time employee though continued in a volunteer status and the full time position was filled by members of the district until the position was able to be hired. September 20, 2021 Ashlie Goodin was hired on as the second full time employee. January 2, 2024 Ashlie had stepped down from her full-time position due to better opportunities and Jackie Gibson filled the full time position. Currently the full time positions are filled by Chief Aunee Helton and EMT Jackie Gibson. In 2022 it was determined to pay on call pager pay to the members of the department in order to keep the district covered after the full time hours. Members started out being paid $3 an hour to be on call however it wasn't enough to keep people available. In 2023 the on call pager pay became $6 an hour for week nights and $9 an hour for weekends. Still there was a struggle to keep all hours covered by at least 2 certified providers due to everyone having full time jobs, families and lives aside from EMS. The members have given their lives to the communities dropping everything at a moments notice and running out of their door to answer the 911 call. EMS is always growing and ensuring 24/7 coverage for our district was a must. It was a hard decision though one that had to be made, a levy was the only option left. 

In May of 2023 the Upper Scioto Valley Ambulance District passed a 5.5 mil levy with the support of the entire district. The district is now looking to put on a 24/7 staffed ambulance to cover the district. The intent is to begin the 24/7 staffed model starting in 2024 when the tax money comes in. To many this was a dream come true and something that seemed so far out of reach.

In March of 2024 the board members passed a motion to bring on another first shift employee as well as two 2nd shift employees full-time. Chief Helton hired 3 new full-time employees following the passing of the motion.

In April of 2024 the board members agreed to hire for all shifts and staff the station full-time. In 2024, Chief Helton was able to hire 7 new full-time providers, 2 new part-time providers and move over 5 of the volunteers to the part-time roster. The ambulance station is now staffed 24 hours a day 7 days a week with 2 certified providers at all times. There is usually at least one Advanced Life Support provider on station at all times to better care for the ambulance district.

In April of 2024 the board agreed to have Chief Helton put Squad 601 up for sale. After a bidding process on govdeals.com, Chief Helton was able to sell Squad 601. The money from this sale will go towards the purchase of a new ambulance. In May of 2024 the board moved to secure the purchase of a new 2024 Ford F-450 4x4 Diesel Braun Express Plus ambulance that will be delivered to the station in November of 2024.

In April of 2024 the board agreed to put a hold on the major remodel of the Alger station due to the significant cost and knowing that the ambulance district was outgrowing the Alger station. The board agreed to look into the purchase of land near the center of the district so as to provide better and faster care to ALL members of the ambulance district. Letters were sent to land owners South of Alger along State Route 235 in hopes of developing an interest to allow the ambulance district to purchase acreage for the future site of the ambulance station.